Saturday, February 19, 2005

Onwardforth & Hitherto

Am plugging away on a draft. I got to the point about two hours ago that I just had to start writing something. I have this internal push and pull going with myself.

Find more references!

But I can't re-read everything I've read since the fall of 2002 and still have time to do anything productive.

But you need to cite more sources or else they won't think you're a scholar!

Oh geez. Then what happens?

Then you fail, you imposter!

Wait a minute...if I write nothing, then they'll have on which to base any kind of judgment of my scholarly abilities. Write something down...then go back and edit. Don't be an idiot.

OK, you win.

There. Hopefully, that's the end of the imposter syndrome invading my space for the evening. Am glad I got that out of my system. Onward ho! To the end of the exam! Or at least to the next coffee break...

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