Saturday, February 19, 2005

I'm thinking of today as Tuesday.

I ran into some colleagues last night when I was borrowing some books from a friend. One of them mentioned that four days stretched out over weekdays feels longer than over the weekend. For example, if we had received the question Monday morning, then it would be due Thursday evening. Ah...that's practically a week! So, from here on out, I'm reframing my world to the it's Tuesday today, and I still have two, almost three, more days. Yeah, that's it.

Things are still moving along with the first question. Of course, I didn't get as far as I had hoped I would yesterday, but that's life. So far, my response is coming together nicely. As I said yesterday, it's nice to be doing this when it all feels so natural. I still have plenty of work ahead of me, however.

It's time now to focus here in my beautifully clutter-free, dust-free office at home. I have the window open just a crack for fresh air, it's sunny out (but cold & crisp), and my small shelf-top fountain is on providing me with a nice bubbling sound which I may have to turn off soon so I don't have the urge to pee all the time. Sorry, too much information.

Ok, perhaps I should put some of this writing energy into my exam question...

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