Saturday, February 12, 2005

6 Days to Go

...until my qualifying exams begin. Am I nervous? Not for the actual act of writing my In a sick, sort of geeky way, I'm looking forward to the challenge of coming up with a global response to a higher education problem, while situated in my own area of expertise. On the other hand, sure I'm scared! Scared that I'm not going to realize if I'm going down a 'bad' track with this. Scared that perhaps I haven't done all of the "right" reading that needs to be done.

One of things I'm thankful for is this blog and the opportunity to put these thoughts down on the computer. I think the more I write informally, the better I will do when needing to commit "scholarly" (whatever that means) things to the page. So, I expect I will get up each day and post something here...just to keep the creative juices flowing.

I have still not figured out how to share things on this blog with others, aside from verbally telling people about it. So, perhaps I'll start that process in the next couple of days.

More later...I will probably have some thoughts on career paths and such.

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