Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You're sitting at my table.

I arrived at the cafe this morning for my weekly meeting with Pink. I was running late, and she had already scoped out one of the "good" tables with an electric outlet and a good overhead lamp. But it wasn't our usual table: there were other people sitting where we normally sit. There are telltale signs that it's the last week of classes: the cafe has even more people studying and camping out here all day. I was tempted to approach "our" table, stare at the current occupants with a confused look, and then say, "It's Tuesday. This is our table. What are you doing here?" I decided to take the higher road and just move over to the spot Pink scoped out, and here I sit after about three hours. And so does the other couple, the impostors, sit at "my" space.

OK, maybe I really need to get out of here?

Things are going OK today: I'm focused. I'm editing the paper I received feedback on the other day. DC is going to help me find a spot to get the thing published, so it's well-worth the extra time. Afterward I'll create Dissertation Schedule 3 and see if it's one I can maintain this time around. No other academic hurdles in my way now (as far as I know, at least...ugh!), so I don't see any way around not sticking to it this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember clearly the night in college that a friend and I looked up and realized that the nice neighborhood place we hung out in was infested with 8 or 10 loud tall guys with backwards baseball caps, smarming their way down the bar.

"There's yahoos in our bar, Joe," he said.

Cooler heads prevailed when we realized that 2 actors can only take 8 jocks in the movies...