Sunday, May 01, 2005

Second-to-last "Ida Wanna" Paper

So I'm here hanging out with my good friend, Ida Wanna. Together we find ways to avoid doing real work. She always speaks in the third person, i.e. "Ida Wanna do this!" Yeah, her grammar is that of a typically-developing two-year-old, but I accept these faults in my friends.
Ugh! Oh alright, I'll stop. That was getting a little bizarre. Anyhow, yep, I have been bitten by the procrastination bug. Again. This second-to-last paper is a group project I'm working on. Almost finished, though not everyone in our group has contributed how they should. Oh least it'll be over tomorrow.

The last paper is to revalidate a class I took about ten years ago in my master's degree. It's not due till May 11. Writing this last paper will replace an entire class. I say it's well-worth the effort. Then I will be officially done with coursework, though I'm taking one other class this summer just because I want to learn from this particular professor. Yes, I'm truly rooted in my academic geekdom, taking a class I don't have to take.

I have another paper due tomorrow which I'm happy to write; it's writing up the results of my dissertation pilot study. Much fun...and it's just a draft. Again, this notion of handing in a draft as a final paper is VERY helpful. It makes me get the initial writing done, but I'm not feeling pressure to strive for perfection.

Guess I should get the damn draft done and kick Ida out of my house for the day. OK, bye.

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